Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I feel as if I am treading water and just trying to keep my head a float. This week we are 23 weeks pregnant and I am constantly going back to this same week with Declan and Lucas. This week was the week when everything went from being "stable" to out of control. As I count the 6 days down to 24 weeks, I am reminded that the boys were born at 23 weeks and 5 days. I know that 24 weeks is considered viability but it is still way to soon and the chance of survival, as we know all to well, are very slim. I have been counting the days to 28 weeks and we are only 34 days away. This seems like a realistic and do able amount of time but at the same time I am very aware of just how long it really is. Things can go from good to bad in literally a heartbeat.

I lay here tonight scared and frustrated at the "unknown". I am trying to put my unwavering faith in God but, I am only human and the fear can be consuming. I am only 4 and half weeks in to bed rest and I am exhausted. I often lie around thinking about Declan and Lucas and all that we have been through. I talk to them constantly, asking them to watch over Mackenzie and of course their little brother and sister growing inside of me. Praying to them, to help protect their sibblings and asking them to speak to God on our behalf. It is hard to not feel guilty about asking them to watch over their siblings, I don't want them to feel forgot or that these babies are their replacement. Declan and Lucas will always be our 2nd and 3rd children and these babies will be our 4th and 5th no matter what. All my children, hold a special place in my heart whether they are here with myself and Kevin or up in heaven.

Tonight, I just am so tired and emotional. I missed the boys so very much and wish they were here. I have become so in love and attached to the two growing inside of me that I am in anguish over the horrible thought of losing them too. The reality is that no one can tell me why my pregnancy failed with the boys and no one can guarantee me that we will bring home from the hospital two children. So, I sit here and wait, pray, and cry over the unknown. We are so close to having two healthy children but at the same time, we know just how far away we still are from having two alive children.


Tina said...

I am so sorry you are struggling right now. It must be so hard to be in this point of your pregnancy. I hope you can find some positive things to hold on to and think of the happy times with your precious sons. I will be thinking and praying for you.

Devon said...

oh sweetie....I share your heart. When I pray for me I pray for you. Wishing this was easier on us but praying one day we'll say it was worth it....babies in our hand. Holding u close to my heart.

T said...

This week must be so very hard for you, I can't even imagine. Sending you much love and support...

Carly said...

Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. There is no way to describe these feelings. I wish you strength and am here for you.

I am on 19 weeks getting close to the 26 mark when I delivered my sweet son. I am feeling a lot of the same things. I'm here for you.

Brenna said...

It's hard to reach these milestones--I hope and pray that your little ones make it well beyond 24 weeks, then beyond 28 weeks. I also like the thought that our boys are watching over their little sibling (in your case siblings!) as they grow. Thinking about you!