Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I have so many questions about god right now. I was raised Catholic but don't consider myself to be a follower of the Catholic religion. I have always had a strong faith or belief in god and heaven, I guess I figured why not believe that there is a place where there is not pain, suffering or tragedy like the world we live in. I thought that if I prayed and attempted to be a good person then good things would happen to me. I guess I thought, if I showed god that I didn't take all the wonderful things in life that he gave me for granted, then I would be blessed with more happiness. I never imagined that he would take my children from me, I feel like I am being punished for some sin that I have committed? I read other blogs and I am at times at a loss for words because these woman and their families have had such terrible family losses yet they are still strong in their faith and their devotion to god. I don't understand how they can have this faith...I understand that they question it at times but for the most part that unwaivering faith in gods will is there. If god is this gracious wonderful being, why does he take the ones that we love from us? Why does he give children to families who don't want them or abuse them? What is the purpose of granting us only a few short days with our kids to take them so quickly from us, why not take them earlier or never allow us to have them? Please understand I am so grateful and would not trade those few days that I had with my sons but I still question...what was the reasoning of only granting me with their love for just those few short days? If anyone, can help me with ideas or views on god, faith, religion...it doesn't matter to me what religion you are, I just want to find some peace in understanding why this happened.

1 comment:

Jen said...


I happened upon your blog and have been reading your story through your posts. This one caught my eye especially. I have never lost a child or even a family member as of yet. My life looks and is lovely and I enjoy every moment. Sometimes I wonder what I will do when the time comes for me to face unbelievable heartache. I can only say that I know that my Lord Jesus will be there and He will carry me. I am certain that there will be times when I will not handle it well and scream and yell at God and tell Him what I think of this part of His plan. But, I am still certain that He will be there with me. He promises in the Bible that NOTHING can seperate me from His love. He promises that He will never leave me, regardless of whether it feels like He has.

I have no way of truly understanding the ache and pain of losing your precious children and I would not presume to act like I could. That is something someone must walk through in order to understand fully. But I do know that regardless of who you are or what you have been through, that same grace and peace you said you have seen others walk through tragedy in, can be yours as well.

I would like to recommend that you visit www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com. I saw a broken pitcher that you were putting back together in one of your posts. Angie, who writes this blog, has a minsitry called Broken Pitcher Ministries. She lost her baby girl at birth last year and has been a great encouragement to so many, even those of us who have not lost children.

I will pray for you that God reveals Himself to you. If you have a Bible and want to know more about Jesus, the best place to start is the Gospel of John. The Psalms are also wonderful to read. The author, King David, lost his child among many other things. His sincerity and honesty are beautiful to read. Above all, ask God to show you the truth of who He is. He will answer.
